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I shall continue to keep my office in operation untill I hear from you, giving you the assurance that no contracts shall be made unless justice be done to both parties.  Of course as I have allways opposed the Leaders of Secession in former days, I meet at present with some obstinacy, but by gentle means (no other at command) I have overcome these obstacles.
If you should see proper to give me the commission then you will please to address me at P.O Frelsburg Color. Co. allthough it may not correspond with the P. Office formerly named to you. It is the only Office where I can get mail matter with a degree of certainty.  If appointed, then you will please state, whether contracts made by Justices of Peace ought to be recognized or not, whether contract made by Citizens and signed by witness are of value or not.  I discover that such contracts are often made to favor the Employer.
You will please state how to act or how to counteract such proceedings.
As you have requested me to give you from time to time information regarding the colored population.  I must state that many of the negroes as indisposed to hire at reasonable rates, and as a general thing it is the most ignorant

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-04 07:47:09