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Brig Gen'l Gregory -
Chief of the Freedmen' Bureau, Texas


Permit me to solicit your advice and instructions in a mater of deep interest pertaining to your department. What disposition am I to make with the minor children of freedmen where their parents are dead? Where freedmen have not made any arrangement or engagement for the ensueing for the support of themselves and their families, or where the engagements made by them are of such a dreadfull character, as to lead me to believe that their children will either suffer for food and clothing or be thrown upon the county for support what am I to do? Have I the right in either case to bind out the children? if so for what length of time - such could I bind out a child without the parents consent?

I have had a form for "Servants Indenture" drawn up and herewith enclose it for your opinion

I am daily solicited both by planters and trademen to approve of their contracts for hire for the ensueing year, but having no authority to do so, and there being no agt, near us, it will be a burdensome mater to get such contracts approved of - I have been so often solicited to apply for an agency for this purpose that I have consented to make this statement to you- I would act as an agt. for the public good, if the compensation would pay my expenses and loss of time.  Hopeing Genl, that the assurance that the most quiet and orderly conduct during this (christmas week) has persuaded the entire county without regard to color would be agreeable to you, allow me to subscribe myself, Respectfully yours
                   E.A. McCracken
Dec 28, 1865.}     Chief Justice of Freestone County.