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Quitman Texas,
October 12th 1865.

To the Superintendant
of Freedman of the State of Texas:
The undersigned a citizen of the County of Wood and State of Texas, would respectfully represent and show, that there has not as yet been any Provost Marshall of Freedman appointed for the County aforesaid, and would further state that Wood County is one among the most populous Counties of the State, and will compare favorably with any of the Counties of Eastern Texas in point of population of Freedmen, and that it is necessary, for the welfare of the County, for the Freedmen and their good government and protection, that a Provost Marshall be immediately appointed for this County.
The premises considered, the undersigned would most respectfully ask the appointment of Provost Marshall of said County of Wood, and for further information respecting his qualifications for said position and his loyalty to the United States government, he refers you to the endorsal of the same by the good citizens of the said County, hereto attached.
Hoping that this application will be favorably considered, I am with respect
Your ob't serv't.
J. W. Riggle

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 17:26:33