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of them strict order and good conduct all of the respectful Citizens of my County desire this and are ready at any and all times to aid an Officer in the discharge of his duty, there are several reckless persons in this County which I understand are treating the negroes badly even going to their cabins they live in after night and throw into their Houses and shoot in [[?]] there I have [[avoided?]] some of them, all of this is condemned by the most of the citizens of this County and they have used some diligence to find out the perpetrators and as I have conversed with several of the leading men of my County and know it is their wish to have an Officer to regulate those matters and I see the necessity of such until after we have some Legislative an [actment] upon the subject. I therefore earnestly request you, if you have the appointing power, to appoint us a Military Officer to take charge of the Freedmens B H.

I am very Respectfully
your Obt Servt.
David Stinson
Chief Justice of Upshur County

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 11:41:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-07 15:22:12