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1st Brig. Hospital.
Indianola, Texas.
July 1st 1865

Col. H.H. Barry
Comd 1st Brig.

I admitted to the Hospital this morning a man named James Butler (Cold) who received a mortal wound from the hands of his master Allen Noble a resident of Lavacka on Tuesday last.

The circumstances are as follows--Butler was threatened with his life if he attempted to visit Indianola or have anything to do with the troops & in attempting to leave he was persued by Noble and shot, the ball entering the small of the back a little to the left of the spinal column & passing out just under the left arm.

Under any circumstances it was a most brutal and uncalled for act.

Should you with to investigate the matter I should advise, that it be done 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 12:01:31