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Walker County Tex Nor 24 1866

Gen; Gregory (or any other acting Officer of U.S)

Honored Sir

I went to Huntsville to day to see you, but unfortunately found you was gone. My business was to see if I could have protection for my person & security from you. I have complyed with the Laws of my Country. I am under attack & since the war have lost half or more, of my [[ink blot]], & untill yesterday have been unsuccesfull to find out what went with it, & now I have no proof only by collard persons & on sivil prosess of law it avails me anthing.  I can prove that fore men killed my beaf and hogs in Walker and 3 of men live in Greene. I was in Huntsvill the same day they sold my Beefe but did not know know it at that time and overtaking them on my way home and they halled me, rased a row and abused badly the bearer of this was with me at that time

If you the wrongs I received from the afore said men two numerous [[strikethrough]] to mention some these are much are [[/strikethrough]] to mention if you wish to know any thing in reard to my earaeler mails enquiring of the old Andersons of Huntsvill I have an acquaintance in Anderson by the name of Coltran.

Pleese let me know by the bearer if any thing can be done if so when and where &
You will greatly oblige
Your humble servant
Wm Wonderson

Transcription Notes:
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