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Grimes County
Decr 1st 1865

Dear Genl

I hope I may not be a source of annoyance to you; it was only yesterday I wrote you on two occasions; Mr Heily goes to day to your city and I thought I would write you a few lines, merely to say that so far, things look hopeful - I have been greatly crowded by neighbors & friends since you left, all wanting information, upon certain points; I believe I have so far, been able to give it, as I understood it from you; I find the general disposition of the people willing to yield to the new order of  things - occasionally I meet with one who could, not be made satisfied with any thing - I have had to adjudicate some differences between the freedman and employer, and I am proud to say to the satisfaction of both parties - I shall await your instructions in the Lawton case

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 15:49:44