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Statement of W.B. Anderson, of Milano, County, Texas,

I was summoned before Lieut Mc Clermont Sub. Asst. Com'r at Millican, Texas - on the Charge of Enticed Mrs Mitchell's Freedmen from her Plantation, and appeared before him on the 23rd day of May 1866, I was also ordered to bring with me the freedmen referred to above, when [?]I appeared for trial.  Chas. Brandon (f.m.) was brought in and asked why he did not keep his contract, he replied that Mrs Mitchell had not keep hers, and did not give him enough to eat, after this Lieut Mc Clermont and Dr Farner tied him up by the thumbs for 10 minutes - his toes just touched the ground, while they were tying him up Dr Farner said Lieut you do not understand the Texas way of thowing the rope, and took the rope and threw it over the limb. - The Lieut remarked you son of a B.-h this ought to go round your neck, while tied, they asked him if he would stay with Mrs Mitchell as he had agreed, he promised 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 14:23:56