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[[strikethrough]]or shall be made them by him.[[/strikethrough]] He has given to William Punch and Stephen Yates each materials for making a wagon, and he has bought for freedman Ben Brookes a large sorrel horse and for said Stephen Yates a bay horse which wagons & horses shall be in the exclusive property of said freedmen so soon as the advances made to them respectively shall have been paid [[strikethrough]]as above mentioned[[/strikethrough]]
On all lands cleared and taken in and enclosed by said freedmen last year they shall be allowed the whole crop this year in consideration of their crops by overflow. And for the same reason they shall be allowed all of the forage and provision crops made this year, such as corn, potatoes, fodder hay &c.[[strikethrough]] but upon this condition however that no more shall be raised of said crops than shall be [[?]] for the use of the plantation, and that they shall in no case be taken from the plantation but shall be kept on it for its use. [[/strikethrough]] And as said Stephen Yates opens and improves a new plantation lying next above the Augustin place, he shall be allowed all the crops made on the same this year, but said crops shall be

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-09 11:27:42 Text reviewed but cannot decipher two remaining question marks. Do you think the writer meant "crops by overflow?" (The previous transcriber is likely correct) Write may have meant "company"?