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Personally appeared before me at my office at Houston, Texas, this 9th day of Nov., 1866, freedman John Davis, who after being duly sworn deposes and says:

That on or about the middle of August, 1866 a freedman by the name of Davis was shot and killed instantly by Dr. Jones son,
this took place on the plantation of widow Mrs. Davis about (12) twelve miles from Livingston, Polk Co.,

Also that Mrs. C. D. Creath, living near Livingston, Polk Co., told the freedmen, working on her plantation, that she paid ($3 00/100) three dollars in U.S. currency for each head and that the money paid by her will be returned to her by the freedmen when the division of the crop will be made, Mrs. C.D. Creath said that the money paid was Poll Tax, also that they (freedmen) would have to pay at the end of the year ($10 00/100) ten dollars Tax for keeping guns or pistols and ($5 00/100) five dollars for dogs.

John Davis his X mark

(Sgd.) Charles Schmidt.

Sworn to and subscribed to before me this day and date above mentioned.
(Sgd.) J. C. DeGress,
Sub-Asst. Com'r

J. C. DeGress
Sub-Asst. Com'r