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R.B. 33-24

Hd Qur Bureau R.F & A L

Charges and Specification against Mr Glasscox a Planter near Richmond Texas

Charge 1st  Assault & Battery
Charge 2d   Attempt to defraud the laborer of his pay

Charges against Dr Petis a Planter near Richmond Texas

Charge 1  Inhuman and brutal treatment against the person of Caroline a freedwoman 
Charge 2  Breach of trust

Rec. back February 4 - 1866

Head Qrs Bu RF & AL
State of Texas
Galveston Jan 4th 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt Saml. C. Sloan Sub Asst Comr at Richmond for his investigation and action reporting the same to these Head Quarters

By Order of Brig Genl E.M. Gregory
Asst Com
Chauncy C. Morse
Capt & AAAG

Office Sub Asst Comr Richmond
Texas Feb. 2d 1866

Respectfully returned with one inclosure - giving a detailed yet brief account of the same, together with the action taken

Very Respectfully 
Sam. C. Sloan
Capt & Dub Asst Comr

(One Inclosure)