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[[top margin]]Jeff summoned to appear at this Office to give testimony on Wednesday Jan 17 1866. Caroline, George, Mr. Galsscox, Dr. Pettis &c. the same

Office Sub Asst Commr
Richmond Tx Jan 13th /66[[/top margin]]

Charges against Mr. Glasscox a Planter near Richmond Tex
Charge I. Assault and Battery
Statement of Jeff a Freedman. On
the afternoon of Sunday December 18, I was returning from Harrisburg to this 
place where I had been taking a gentleman by order of Mr. Glascox- the Harness on one of the mules became loose, and as I was fixing it the mule kicked me and I whipped it. Afterwards I met Mr. Glascox on the road and 
he being informed of the whipping of the mule, struck and whipped 
me with a loaded whip, knocking me down. 

Charge II. Attempt to defraud the laborer of his Pay.

Statements of Alfred
Weston- Mr. Glascox has paid me but $3.~ for two months and twelve days 
faithful labor which I rendered him. I called on Mr. Glascox this morning 
in company with other Freedmen he owed for our pay- he drove us out 
of the yard, saying that the General or no one else could make him pay until 
he was ready.

Dr. Petis a Planter near Richmond
Charge I. Inhuman and brutal treatment on the person of Caroline a 

Charge II. Breach of Trust
Caroline states that about two months ago Dr. 
Petis hung her up by the thumbs, her feet hardly touching the ground, and 
her hands were in such a condition that she could not work for over a 
week. He has paid her but $2.70 for services rendered since freed.

Transcription Notes:
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