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I wrote you a few days ago in reference to 3 cases of differences between husbands and wives— the came before me for advice. I read the Laws and explained it to them I gave them your views in reference to husbands & wives, I then gave them my own advice in the case— I am glad to inform you that they are all right now. One point of advice given them was to go and get out regular license & marry as a white man— I did this General because I believe it would be better for them, it will have a tendency to lead them away from old customs and I think the sooner they are away from old habits the better.
If a man rents a Freedman a piece of ground takes his note, for sum and gives to the Freedman [[?]] obligation or Bond guaranteeing to him the peacable possession of same for time named is that sufficient?
Where parties contract and it is not [[?]] to have it approved, is it not necessary