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La Grange Texas 4th. February 1866

To Brigadier General E M Gregory
Assist. Comm'r. Bureau of Refugees
Freedman and abandoned lands, State of Texas &c &c

It having been understood that the 1st Iowa Cavalry, to which Chaplain J.S. Rand, who has recently entered upon the duties of his offices as Sub assistant to B.R.F. & A.L, is to be mustered out of the Service, we take the liberty, hereby, to purposefully suggest for your consideration, the propriety of retaining Chaplain R. in his present position at this point, thinking, as we do, that he is willing and capable of accomplishing much good here in the office he holds, and will understandingly and judiciously exercise the duties hereof.

Please receive, General, the assurance of the high consideration with which we are 
your most obedient servants

J. W Grasmeyer 
L. Lindsay

As we have not the pleasure of being personally known to you, we beg leave to refer you to Judge C. Catswell with whom, we learn, you are acquainted.

Transcription Notes:
Found this on the Brigadier General : James S. Rand mentioned pg 184 here: