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Command to go to. My lot is Cast here: at least so long as what little property I have remains in this country - and after the withdrawal of my guard, admitting ever that a civilian could inforce their obedience to his orders, from the nature of the case, my situation would be dangerous and precarious, without having perhaps had a sufficient opportunity of doing much good. In this communication I would purposefully state, what I have said elsewhere that it is much more difficult now to straighten out matters in the business in question, than it would have been six months ago, when it was easier to present abuses, than to correct them now when established. I am satisfied that a branch of your bureau is much needed here - Major Rand will make it appear so to you. But it should be permanent, not ephemeral! And it does not suit a civilian, who is inclined to do justice impartially; for he could not live here. in the latter sentiment, you will concur with me, when you consider how important it is to be connected with this branch of the service - Although a prejudice,  you know that it exists- and is exhibited in your own case. With the best intentions, and trying to do justice to all, you cannot escape censure and recrimination, though banning the strong arm of the Govrn't to support you, and what would be your condition without the soldiers at your command, and a parting what would be the path of a poor civilian in the same situation!

The negroes are becoming more demoralized here, and why? Because they have been lied to and cheated, till many have lost all confidence and what little pride of character they might have been possessed of - they have been promised protection from time to time; Freedom for wrongs; pay of hard earned wages!

Transcription Notes:
some of the periods were clear, some looked like they could be a dash or period - opted for dash when it wasn't clear. best guess (last sentence of top paragraph): "though having the strong approval of the government" -Ahujam I recommend looking at the preceding page (95) which has clearer handwriting for some of the trickier words.