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Hd. Qrs. 116th U.S.C. Infy. 
In the field, Texas. March 8/66

Lt. Col. D.D. Wheeler,
A.A.G. Dist Rio Grande.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter inquiring if any objections existed to the detail in freedmen's Bureau of Lt. D. M. Kimball, 116th U.S.C. Infy, and beg leave to say that Lt. Kimball is the only officer present for duty with his company and that the interests of the service demand that he should serve with his regiment as he is a very young and inexperienced officer; I would also state that he Kimball does not wish to be detailed in the freedmen's Bureau.

I am, sir, very respectfully 
Your ob'd't svt
Chas Kireker
Lt. Col. Com'd'g Regt

Transcription Notes:
Is the name possible "Char. Kiuker"? looks like Chas Kireker