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The State of Tex  
Fort Bend County 

Be it remembered that at a Term of the District Court begin & holden for said County on the First Monday in January 1866 a bill of indictment was found by the Grand Jurors of said County charging one G.C. Harrison with the murder of Bill a freedman; of which said indictment the following is a true copy; to wit; 

The State of Texas  
County of Fort Bend  

In the district court of Fort Bend County to the January Term AD 1866  In the name and by authority of the state of Texas 
The Grand Jurors selected tried impanneled, sworn and charged to inquire in and for the body of the County of Fort Bend in the state of Texas, upon their oath present that G.C. Harrison late of the county aforesaid, Yeoman, on the 5th day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, with force and arms in the county aforesaid in and upon one Bill a freedman in the peace of God then and there being, did commit an assault and with a certain Pistol which he the said G.C. Harrison then and there had and held in his hand which said pistol was then and there loaded with gun powder and leaden bullets and was a deadly weapon, and with said Pistol had and held as aforesaid and loaded and charged as aforesaid at his the said Harrisons express malice aforethought, did then and there feloneously, maliciously and wickedly discharge and shoot off the contents of said pistol at towards against and into the body of the said Bill, inflicting a mortal wound of three inches depth and of the width of one inch of which mortal wound received as aforesaid the said Bill

Transcription Notes:
Squiggle line after "The State of Tex" unnecessary to note squiggles, lines, etc