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them along as the wagon was ready. He remarked that the things were ready [[strikethrough]] in his house, Said I you go on to your work and I told Ben then to put the things in the wagon and carry them along and said again you go on to your work.  Bill said sure put the things in there and carry them along. I dont want to be pestered any more and Bill remarked that the things don't pester you and when he said this I pulled out my pistol and shot it over his head and he then caught up an ax and threw it at me hiting me on the hand and arm and brushing me on the side of my head knocking the pistol out of my hand and the pistol fired when he knocked it out of my hand. I caught it up again and shot at him but I was so excited that I do not know whether I aimed it at him or not. He then ran off and I aimed to shoot him again but the pistol snapped without firing and by this time he was off some 25 or 30 steps. I then fired at him again and turned and went to the house. I then walked around the lot the way he went and saw him laying on the ground dead some 200 yards from where I shot at him the last time. I took and dragged him out in the weeds and buried him that night. I should have taken him to the house but it being the first fracas of this kind I was ever engaged in I was so alarmed that I did not know what to do. I had no intention of killing him at the time but after he threw the ax at me I wanted to hurt him but did not want to kill him. 
G. C. Harrison
Stated and subscribed to before me at Richmond St this 12" day of September 1865
Gallio Farrnon Capt
Comdg Post

Transcription Notes:
confirmed the word "Turned". "Comdg" Post from previous page.