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Office Sub. Assistant Commissioner, 
Bureau of R., F. & A. L.,
Houston, Texas, Feb. 19, 1866
Capt C.C. Annise
Capt - I have this service to report - that I arrived here on the 16 of this month - from Galveston and am awaiting transportation to Beaumont - This morning we made an effort to reach that point - but found the road damaged and had to pul back to Houston.  From the best datta in my possession I do not think I shall be able to reach my destination for 8 or 10 days - or until the completion of the road (which the Agent here thinks necessary) - From your [[?]] now here.  I learn that there are but few Freedmen at Beaumont - or vicinity - I shall proceed to my station, as soon as practicable unless otherwise ordered - From what I learn I think an agent is much more required at Jefferson and other points in the center of the State then 
at B.  I am Sir very respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
Frank Havesringer
Capt - 19 U.S.C [[?]]
Sub [[?]] Beaumont Texas

Transcription Notes:
Not sure on the marking on the bottom right.