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Office Bureau of RF and AL
Feb 17th 1866
Leon County

Brig Genrl Gregory

I have the honor To Forward to you my Approved Contracts Eighty nine in number Embracing about Four Hundred Freedman  I hope they will Meet with your approval  Parties have Not as A general thing paid high wages  But you must take into Consideration That the section of County in wich I Live is not very good Farming Lands  Hands in the lower Countys on the rich Lands will make fully Double The amount of Corn & Cotton that A Hand will make in this section

I am under many Obligations for the Promptness with which you Complied With my Request in sending A Detachment of Cavalry to Enforce my Authority  Lt Taylor who is in Command of The Cavalry I Find to be A Gentlman and Officer  I do hope you will at Once use your influence to have his Detachment Remain On duty in My County  I do not Believe that I can get along without them since Their Arival all things in the  Freedmans Bureo has been fully satisfactory  Employers are Bringin in their Contracts tolerably prompt  the Freedman are doing well  they seem to be anxious

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-10 13:13:57 to remove the HARD ENTER at the end of written lines (it got wonky when I changed between portrait and landscape)