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THAT we William Albright and A D Allbright of the county of Houston and STATE OF TEXAS, are held and firmly bound to Franklin Harris and Minnu Baley in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which we bind ourselves heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, firmly by these presents, in this contract, to wit: we William Allbright & A D Allbright of the first part, agree and bind ourselves heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to furnish Franklin Harris and Minun Baley, Freedm [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] en, of the second part, for and in consideration of specifications hereinafter stated, and those rightfully dependent on them free of charge, with good quarters, fuel, [[strikethrough]] food, medical attendance, and one acre of land, for agricultural purposes, [[/strikethrough]] five acres of Land more or less on my Plantation by their Labor and to pay them one half of the Cotton and Corn raised on Forty, during the continuance of the Contract, commences this day, and expires on the Twenty fifth day of December 1866; deal justly and kindly with them, guaranteeing to them all rights of a citizen so far as the same are conferred by the laws and Proclamations of the President of the United States, and that we will not require them to labor more than ten hours per day; all extra labor to be paid for as per agreement between the parties. And we further agree to be just and honest with them in all transactions, and to render them all needful and necessary assistance in promoting their mental, moral and physical culture. 
And in consideration of the faithful performance by William Allbright and A D. Allbright heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, of the obligations hereby assumed, and the punctual payment of the wages agreed upon, as aforesaid, We Franklin Harris and Minun Baley agree to faithfully and honestly labor for the said William Allbright and A D Allbright during the time heretofore specified, only reserving to ourselves Saturday afternoons and Sundays, except when it is actually necessary that we should labor thereon, and to execute, to the best of our ability, all lawful orders or demands made by the said William Allbright & A D Allbright 
And it is further agreed, That in case either of the parties to this Contract fail to comply with the requirements thereof, the aggrieved party is hereby required to refer the question at issue to the Superintendent of Freedmen, for his investigation, adjudication and final settlement. 
and whenever said crops does not need our Labor we have the right to Labor at other places for ourselves 
In testimony whereof, the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals, this first day of January, 1866,
Signed and sealed in the presence of 
Jo A Wright 
Stanton Weaver

William Allbright L.S.
AD Allbright L.S. (TRIPLICATE) 
Franklin Harris X his mark {Seal}
Minnu Baley X his mark {Seal}

[[left margin]] Office Sub ass Commissioner
Bureau of RF&AL
Crockett Texas [[strikethrough]] February [[/strikethrough]] March 24th 1866
L.S. Barnes
[[strikethrough]] Capt [[/strikethrough]] Major Sub Asst Commissioner [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
[[left margin]] begins on the left, and then is written across the page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-11 05:18:56