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Head Quarters Post of Galveston
Galveston Tex. Jan'y 16th 1866.

Brevet Lt. Col. R.F. Halstead
Act Asst. Adjt Genl
Dept. of Texas


I have the honor to report in accordance with your instructions received to day. - in the case of Priv James - Shelton Co. B. 48th Ohio Vols Batt. as follows.-

The man Shelton came into Camp, on the morning of the 14th inst. drunk, and was ordered into confinement for disorderly conduct and disobedience of Orders. - On the way to jail under guard, he and the guards met an old Negro man, and without any provocation, or warning to the guards, & before they could interfere, he the said Shelton did assault & knock down the Negro man.

I was notified at the time of the actions of this man Shelton and gave instructions for the necessary Charges & Specifications to
