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Office Sub. Ast Comr
Bureau of R F & A L
Wharton Jany 25th 1866.

I wish to call the attention of Genl Gregory to article 990 page 236 Oldham & White's Digest of the Laws of Texas -

Under that clause I understand the Chief Justice is binding out orphan children -

Has a person who has an orphan bound under that statute a right to correct such child by whipping?

I desire special instructions upon the above at your earliest convenience -

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your obt svt
J. W. McConaughey
Sub. Ast Comr
B. f. W. C. T.

Capt C. C. Morse
A A Genl

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-11 21:27:54