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Office Sub. Asst Comr
Bureau of RF & AL
Wharton Feby 10th 1866.

I avail myself, in the absence of mail facilities, of the opportunity of Lt Jones to call the attention of Brig Genl Gregory to my communication of the 25th ulto. touching the subject of binding out and whipping minors. 

Joshua Hooper, a neighbor of mine has had three children bound to him, and they are all three here with me, the oldest, I think, is over 14, the next about 13 the other 2 yrs old. The child he sent & put down in my yard about 10 or 12 days ago the girls he whipped and they came to me for protection.

I would now have him arrested and sent to Galveston by Lt Jones, but that I have written for instructions and do not wish to do anything that would seemingly conflict with the civil authorities without orders.

I hope you will call the General's attention to this matter, and advise me in the premises.

I have the honor to be Captain
Very Respy Your Obt. Svt.
J.W. McConaughey
Sub. Ast. Comr B.f.W.C. Texas

Capt C. C. Morse
A. A. Genl &c

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-11 21:48:13