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To Captain Spaulding

Dear Cap 
I write to you by [[?]], please to help him to get through his business with the Com'y 

Since you left we have had part of two Calvary companies here for four days Their appearance was very unwelcome to the town. The feeling here is the same as before you left - no change. But we have elected the Mayor and Aldermen for the year, and I expect some trouble as the corporation (Straus) is Mayor) intend to take up negroes under the vagrant act and put them to work on the streets. I heard a notice given to one negro that if he was not at hire within three days he would be taken up and as to my certain knowledge the negro did not anticipate the cause that brought him in to Matagorda which was caused by RH Williams, turning out of house and home his mother on the 31st Dec; The boy came to his mother, she got into a house now if in such a case, on three days notice a person is liable under the state laws to arrest and punishment and at this season of the year, there will be trouble in camp. 

However these are only threats, which may end in smoke.  But we shall soon see

There are some negroes here that need straightening- but when the State or corporate authorities begin to do anything they are apt as we Texans say to "run the thing into the ground"  The negroes require very cautious, and gentle