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Columbus, Texas, .
October 20, 1867

Brig. Gen Reynolds
Commanding the 
District of Texas.


     Two weeks ago we had occasion to complain of the oppressive and outrageous conduct of the Bureau Agent in this County in the illegal and forced seizure of a large amount of personal and movable property which belonged to Messrs Hanford and Willard and which we were proceeding to sell under a Deed of Trust.

At that time, we had only a newspaper, rumor that you had been appointed to the command of this District; but as you had not assumed command and had not fixed your Headquarters and named your staff we wrote to the Headquarters of the 5th Military Department, giving the above reasons for not addressing the intermediate officers. It is highly probable that our letter to New Orleans may be referred to you. We respectfully desire that you suspend your judgment until you come into possession of that communication which is full and contains a detailed statement of 

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