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and such an excuse was at hand so soon as the negroes were made to cut a figure. These negroes knew that Dr Crisp intended leaving the country for months before he did leave. The thing was notorious and his preparations were open and well known. Moreover they knew that he was negotiating for the sale of the property and yet they never at any time put in any claims nor thought of such a thing until it was found convenient for them to do in order to stop the Trust sale and thereby defeat the just expectations of Dr Crisp's creditors. For every dollar that would have been preserved by this Trust Sale was to be used to pay the just debts he owes in Texas. But even allowing that the freedmen's claims were just as against Dr Crisp how in the name of law & reason could Hanford & Willard's property be seized to satisfy it. And how could H. & W. be supposed willing to submit to such a seizure unless they had private assurance that it was a sham - unless, in fact, they had courted a seizure of this kind as the best method of avoiding the Trust Sale? And the Trust sale was avoided and defeated and H. & W. are sending off the property and we see the only security for our debt passing away without the power to help it. 

We remain General with sentiments of respect
Your Fellow Citizens
D H Crisp Agent
R V Cook Trustee

Transcription Notes:
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