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File with the other Papers of Crisp


Columbus Colorado Co
State of Texas,
October 16, 1867.

R V. Cook
D. H. Crisp

Supplement to the late complaint touching the illegal and oppressive acts of the Agent of the B.R.F. & A.L. at Columbus, Texas

[[stamp]] HEADQUARTERS 5th MILITARY DISTRICT Received OCT 27 67 [[/stamp]]

L R (C) C49  F.MD.

Headquarters, Fifth Military District, 
New Orleans, La., Oct. 27th 1867. 

RESPECTFULLY referred to Brevet Lieut. Col. Wm. T. Gentry, Secty. of Civil Affairs 5" Mil. Dist.

By Command of 
Bev. Maj. Gen. J. A. Mower
Geo. L. Hartsuff
Assistant Adjutant General

L.R.B. No. 84.=65. C.A. FMD

Transcription Notes:
J.A. Mower -Brevet Major General Joseph Anthony Mower (1827-1870) Geo. L. Hartsuff -- sig/name is clearer on other records ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 16:19:38 removed [[page]], added stamp, changed S.R.B. to L.R.B (Letters Received Book), changed C.d. to C.A. (Civil Affairs)