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Columbus, Colorado County, Texas 
October 8", 1867 

Brig Gen George L. Hartsuff
A. A. G. 5th Mil. Dept.
New Orleans, La.


There being at the present writing no District Commander for the District of Texas, and the matters  we are about to submit being of an important character, we address you directly; and, with the request that this communication be brought to the knowledge of the General commanding the 5th Military Department, we respectfully invite your attention to the following statement of facts. 

On the 28" of June A.D. 1867 Dr. John H. Crisp by his his Agent D. H. Crisp sold to Thomas G. Hanford and Charles D 
Willard two persons just from the Northern States his growing crop of cotton and corn on his plantation near Columbus, Colorado County, Texas, together with all his mules, teams, wagons, gears, plows, hoes, work oxen, hogs, sheep &c. &c. a complete inventory of the articles sold being exhibited in the Deed of Trust hereto attached, marked (A)