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At the date of sale Hanford & Willard paid down part of the purchase money and gave their note payable 28" August 1867 for the remainder - said note or a copy being set up and recited in the Trust Deed heretofore referred to. The papers were all executed and the contract closed in the city of Galveston.  Mssrs Hanford & Willard went immediately into possession of the premises and proceeded to cultivate the crop - they assuming the contract with the hands already at work on the place.

On the 28th of August they were called upon for payment of the note, which, as they pretended to be unable to liquidate, was delayed sometime longer. Finally, to satisfy their scruples as they set up a partial failure of consideration (though as D H Crisp the Agent declares there was no failure of consideration the chief cause of complaint being the depredations of the cotton burrow) and to avoid litigation and affect a speedy settlement of the debt a large reduction from the face of the note was finally agreed upon and Messrs Hanford & Willard professed that they would send to Galveston a check for the money. After waiting patiently for two weeks and hearing nothing from

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 13:48:19 too many [[?]] - don't mark complete for review until all are deciphered. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 17:58:51 The two marks [?] are still unclear