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On the evening of the same day Mr Harris caused one of the undersigned to be served with the following notice: 
Office S.A. Comr. Bur R F. & A.L.
14" Sub. Dist of Texas.
Columbus, Texas Octr 5/67.

R V Cook Trustee
for J H. & A. S. Crisp
Columbus Texas
You are hereby notified that the freedmen formerly in the employ of J H. & A.S. Crisp have presented claims in this office amounting in all to near Forty seven hundred Dollars in specie. The said claims or so much thereof as can be will be heard at this office on Monday next the 7th instant at 91/2 o'clock A.M. at which time and place any and all counter claims or drawbacks must be presented.
Yours &c.
Enon M. Harris
S.A. Comsr.

To this notification no attention was paid and neither of the undersigned attended Mr. Harris' office. Because we cannot but regard his interference

Transcription Notes:
"specie" - money in form of coins rather than notes ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 18:01:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 18:31:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-12 20:36:10