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out the mode in which Stationary, in excess of that allowance, is issued.  No requisition for Stationary, having been received from Col. Montgomery, I  sent him, as a matter courtesy, and by way of instruction, a letter, dated 18"  April 1867, marked "One", together with the Stationary.  The requisition alluded to in the letter, were returned, signed and receipted.  Col. Montgomery, being thus made acquainted with the mode of drawing Stationary, and being aware (as he states,) that any expenditures incurred, must be authorized by the Ass't Com, transmitted his Property Return, with Purchase Vouchers for Stationary &c, unaccompanied by any authority for the Purchase, or any request that such authority should be granted.  This was returned to him with the accompanying letter, dated 8th July 1867, and marked "Two".  In no case has a purchase of Stationary by a Sub. Asst. comr. been allowed.  Upon one occasion alone, has an appeal been made to Maj. Gen. Howard, Commissi'r against a refusal of mine to pay an account of a Sub. Asst. Com's unsupported by authority.  The account was returned, through this Office,  with an endorsement approving my action.  His "Report of Persons" for April and May, 1867, reached this