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Office of Sub, Asst., Com'r, B,R,F, and A,L 
Maredian Bosque County June the 22nd 1867 

J.T. Kirkman 1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inft, A.A.A. Genl
Sir I have postponed riting for several days in hopes I might be able to have brought some desperate characters to repent of their crimes _ Mrs Rosa Hamilton was murdered in Johnson County about the 18th of May by her Brother in law Mack Hamilton and robed and he is yet a lurking a round in the same county threatning the lives of several good citizens he has three or four men with him _ Again on the first inst a man by the name of    Sellers Killed Jesse Rose a good Loyal man in Hill County _ they dis agreed in Politicks hence the Killing young Edward Page was with Sellers and I am informed held Sellers mule while the Killing was being done _ they are also in the same vicin-ity_ And again on the night of the 2nd just thare was a Freedman called out of his house by as he says Edward Page + Dallas Kelly and Shot one ball passing throug his neck betwin the winpipe and neckbone and the other in just below the joint of his right sholder braking the bone vary badly he was not dead three days ago_ he had reported James W Page to the Agent at Waco for a division of his cotten and hence