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Office of Sub. Asst. Comr. B.R.F. and A.L
At Meridian Bosque County Texas July 31 1867

Lt J.T. Kirkman 26th U.S. Infy A.A.A. Genl

Sir I herewith transmit my report for July, And first I have been absent under your Instructions of June the 21st 1867 twenty three days traveling in Bosque Hood Johnson and Erath Countys seeing after the interest of the Colored Citizens I have seen nearly all the freedmen in my Sub District as there is but few in the Countys of Brown and Chomanchee and none in the others and the Indians is quite troublesome and unsafe for me to visit-  I got up but few contracts the great mass of the Freemen has rented land at the usual rent of the country that is they pay the owner of the land one third of the crops made on the land- there is but few working for monthly wages I found the Blacks and Whites to be getting along agreeably and doing will making fine crops- the greatest difficulty in regard to getting up contracts I had to contend with was the want of the Revinue Stamps as there is none in this section to be had, the Blacks says they whites will not try cheat to them when they know there is a Bureau for them to go to- Many say they sent their contracts to other agents if they people can procure the necessary stamps.  I shall be able shortly to forward many moore thare has been no cases before me of importance during the 

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