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month except the trial of JW Page for floging a freedman last Aprile I fined him 20$ I inclosed you the testimony I have paid particular attention to the orphans I have succeeded in relieveing many, by taking them to persons that would treat them more humanely I have attended the County Courts in their apprenticing them out and had good bonds taken to ensure the orphans good treatment and to be educated  I am proud to be able to say I have had no trouble with any civil officer in regard to any request I have made I only wish they would act without my calling on them as it would save me a great deal of unnessary trouble but they will not act without their attention is called to the case, thare has been but one outrage committed in my District as reported to me that was Marion Marshall floged a freedman named John Johnson in Hood Bounty the freedman started to me and the white man started to Arkansas, Kelly and Page that shot freedman Lewis Abby in may has also left, I have but seven soldiers four of them sick two is on guard with the Registars in this county their presence here dose good, as to the disposition and feeling of the whites to the freedmen it is not as good as it ought to be but they are moore popular than a Union man with the Cesationist they fear and respect the Bureau and that is all they do fear  I have tried but seven cases during the month six of them was for a small balances due on last year the freedmen claim

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-13 10:33:33