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County of Colorado
State of Texas

Tamer Harris sworn says -
I formerly belonged to Dr. John. H. Crisp. When I was set free Dr Crisp wanted to know if I would stay and milk for him till Christmas. I told him I would stay for nine dollars per month, but he said no. that was too much, he would give me eight dollars per month. I told him "Master you ought to be willing to give me nine dollars for you know I have lived with you nearly forty years as your slave and have raised most of your cows", "Well," he said "I will give you eight dollars per month and a cow and calf. When Christmas came, for I staid and worked till then, I asked the Dr. for my money and cow and calf but he would never pay me any money, and I never have received any money nor the cow and calf either.

Tamer Harris.  her x mark

John Williams
Sergt "C" Co 6th U.S. Cav.

Sworn & subscribed to before me this 7th day of October AD 1867
Enon M. Harris
S.A. Comr. Bur. R.F. & A.L.