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County of Colorado 
State of Texas

Wylie Dilliard Sworn Says = I formerly belonged to Dr. John H. Crisp. I staid with him till Christmas the year I was set free. He came to my house and told me I was free and he wanted me and my family to stay with me. He said if I would remain he would give me ten Dollars per month or what was right: and he said said he would give my wife Ellen Eight Dollars per month: and in [[two?]] = portion down as they went north. My son John was a sheep herder and Eighteen Years old. My Daughter Ann was Sixteen Years old and was a house servant: My son Simon was fourteen Years old and was a gin driver. Dr. Crisp gave me a pair of pants = one pair one pair of shoes for myself = one shirt for myself and he gave the same to mu boys - The next Spring a March 1866 he gave me thirty Yde. of Lowell Cloth - I never asked him but once for my pay and that was when I went for my cloth. He said that he did not have but two bits and could not pay me. This is all I have