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one day when Jim Crisp, a son of the Doctors, come in and asked old man Nathaniel for tobacco at first and then asked Nathan, his son, when the son started for the tobacco Jim took him by the collar. Nathan asked him what he had done and Jim said he was going to take him to the house and have the Doctor whip him. After they got out doors Nathan broke away and run when Alex. Crisp, another son of the Doctor's, shot at him with his pistol. Jim Crisp got on to his horse and rode after him as far as the river where Nathan jumped in and swam across. Jim Crisp then came back and told Nathan's wife he had a good notion to kill her. Nathan was then about 21 years old. Jim Crisp said to Nathan he had a good notion to kill his whole family. I have never received a cent of money for my work.

George Harris.  his x mark

John Williams
Sergt "C" Co. 6th U.S. Cav.

Sworn & subscribed to before me this 7th day of October AD 1867
Enon M. Harris.
S.A. Comr. Bur. R.F. & A.L.

Statement of George Harris
Oct 8th 1867

O.S.A.C Bur. R.F. & AL
Columbus Tex Enclosure 19