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The State of Texas 
County of Galveston

Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Hansford and Charles D Willard parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the further considerations, uses purposes and trusts hereinafter set forth and declared, have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents, do grant bargain [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] sell alien convey and confirm unto RV Cook, party of the second part, all of the following described properly, Viz: all our right title [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] interest and claim in and to the growing crop of cotton and corn now being grown and cultivated upon the plantation formerly owned and occupied by John H Crisp, situated on the East bank of the Colorado river in Colorado County, estimated at three hundred and fifty acres in corn. Fifteen work mules now on said place, two horses known by the name of Dick and Claybank, thirty plows, 20 of which are cast iron, 10 wrought iron, seven yoke of oxen, seven yokes & bows and six chains, one ox wagon, all of our entire stock of cattle, branded and unbranded, branded JHC and AC, all or supposed to be about one hundred and fifty head more or less, all of our entire stock of hogs marked & unmarked, marked Crisp and slit and underbit in each ear. One railroad cart and gear, twenty one sets of harness gear and singletrees, Forty three good weeding hoes, and all our entire stock of sheep supposed to be about 

Transcription Notes:
singletree - a wooden or metal bar used to balance the pull of a draught horse or other draught animal when pulling a vehicle