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eighty head, and nine double trees, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise incident and appertaining, for and upon the following trusts, terms and conditions, to wit: That whereas the said parties of the first part are justly indebted to David H Crisp agent for John H Crisp, party of the third part as follows, one note made executed and delivered by Thomas Hansford and C.D. Willard to David H Crisp agent for John H Crisp, the following of which is substantially a copy 

$6165.00.  June 28" 1867
Sixty days after date we promise to pay to the order of David H Crisp agent for John H Crisp Sixty one hundred and Sixty Dollars, United States legal tender notes Value received, payable at Office of Cook & Collier, Columbus, Colorado County, Texas.

(Signed) Thos. C. Hanford
C.D. Willard

Said note being the purchase money for said property above described and advanced to us for the purposes of making a crop, and this conveyance is made for security and enforcement of the payment thereof. Now should the said parties of the first part make default in the punctual payment of said note or any part thereof it shall thereupon or at any time thereafter, the same remaining unpaid,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-15 12:29:24