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Of Valuable

WHEREAS, On the 28th day of June, A.D. 1867, Charles D. Willard and Thomas C. Hanford executed their certain promissory note, payable to David H. Crisp, agent of John H. Crisp, 60 days from date, for the sum of $6165, in U.S. currency, for value received; and, whereas, on the day and date of the execution of said note said Hanford & Willard, in order to secure the payment of the same did make, execute, acknowledge and deliver to said David H. Crisp, agent as aforesaid, a deed of trust, upon the following property to wit: all of their right, title and interest in the crop of cotton and corn grown on the John H. Crisp plantation estimated at 350 acres in cotton and 350 acres in corn, 15 work mules, 2 horses, known by the names of Dick and Claybank, 30 plows (20 of which are cast-iron and 10 wrought-iron,) 7 yokes of oxen, 7 yokes and bows, 6 chains, 1 ox wagon, stock of cattle branded JHC (connected) and AC, supposed to be about 150 head, more or less, stock of hogs, marked, crop and slit and under-bit in each ear, 1 railroad cart and gear, 21 sets of gear and single trees, 9 double trees, 43 good weeding hoes, and about 80 head of sheep. And, whereas, said note has fallen due and remains unpaid, or any part thereof, although demand for payment has been made. Now, therefore by virtue of the power conferred upon me, as Trustee, under said trust deed, I shall proceed, on Saturday, October 5, 1867, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., to sell all of the above property to the highest bidders, for cash, in currency. The property to be sold in lots and parcels to suit purchasers. The sale to take place at the late residence of John H. Crisp.
Purchasers bidding for the crop will bear in mind that all legal claims of the freedmen must be respected. For further particulars reference is had to said trust deed now on record in the office of the County Clerk of Colorado county, in Book F, pages 146, 147, 148.
All person are forewarned not to purchase any of said property prior to the day of sale, and Messrs. Hanford & Willard are notified not to remove any of said property from the premises.
R.V. COOK, Trustee.
P.S.-In order to secure and collect together the property above mentioned and have the same present on the day of sale, I appoint A.G. Mitchell, A.C. Burford and Alfonso Halyard, my agents.
R.V.COOK, Trustee.
Columbus, Sept. 19, 1867.