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Illegal and unjust Conduct herein the proof showing him to have been drunk and Conducting himself unofficerlike & as a Willing Instrument of the aforesaid parties in the false imprisonment and Wounding and Robbing of Said Burns, and his action so illegally done having resulted in the injury and Damage of the Said J.W. Burns to the value of five hundred Dollars. I have assessed a fine against the Said J.D. Foster for the sum of five hundred Dollars, for the use and Benefit of the Said Burns all of which is respectfully Referd to Head Quarters for approval as being in the opinion of the S.A.C. nothing beyond Strict Justice to the Parties. 
the proof shows Mr Burns a hard working industrious and Honest Peaceable and quiet man, having But recently married they supposed from some expressions of Burns that he had money, they lay a plan to Robb him and Succeed. A Magistrate lends himself as a willing tool of the party. Burns is shot by four or five [[strikethrough]] times [[/strikethrough]] men badley Wounded and falsley imprisoned, his money, his Horses and other property taken from him, and he broken up, and entirely ruined, reduced by them from a Competancy to utter want and destitution and Wounded and [[strikethrough]] not the [[/strikethrough]] no means left to provide a support for himself & family. It is Respectfully suggested by the S.A.C. that the Punishment should be such as to afford some protection to the innocent in the future; Hence he has adjudged against the Suit Ed Vanzant William Tullas, Wiloby Tullas, [[strikethrough]] Marion Tullas [[/strikethrough]] and Valentine Ashworth William Miligan and James Thomas, the sum of One Thousand Dollars jointley and against the Said JD. Foster J.P. the sum of five hundred Dollars all for the use and benefit of said J.W. Burns, and it is further ordered that the said JW Burns Be