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Galveston May 29th 1867

Lt J.T. Kirkman
A A A Genl


I have to respectfully request the appointment as an Agent in the BR.F and AL. State of Texas, or in case there is no money existing that I may be employed as Clerk in your Dept. 

At the break out of the rebellion I found myself in Houston and was still there when the Conscription Law passed the Rebel Congress.

Being of age and a native of the State I was conscripted, and refusing to take the oath to support and fight for the Constitution of the Confederate States, I was ordered to the Military Prison at Houston, by the Enrolling Officer, and was kept there in close confinement for about ten or twelve days.

Whilst I was in prison, I was visited daily by Enrolling Officer who offered to release me on condition that I would take the aforesaid Oath and accept a situation in some of the Military Departments which I obstinately refused I was finally released upon taking an oath not to leave the City without a pass from the Military Authorities.

About a month I procured myself a pass to Alleyton Tex, and upon arriving there, I resolved to leave the State in order to avoid all further annoyances from the Military Authorities, and to escape the claws of a Government for which I had no sympathy Being at all times liable to conscription, I was refused a pass from Alleyton to Piedras