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Negras Mexico, I understood to travel through the woods and mountains, from Alleyton Tex to Eagle Pass, (a distance of about three hundred and fifty miles) at the risk of being captured by Scouting Parties, which were then very thick throughout the country, and dealt in a summery manners with Union Men wherever they found them. After 20 days travel I arrived at Piedras Negras from where I immediately started to Matamoros, where I remained until after the Surrender of the  Trans-Missisipi Dept. I then crossed over to Brownsville Texas where at the break up the rebel soldiers after having taken all the Government property which could be found, commenced plundering the citizens, which formed themselves into a company (of which I was a member) and fought the remainder of the Rebels there for three days, until the news of the arrival of Genl Brown of the USA. dispersed them.

As you will perceive from these few lines my heart and sympathies were all throughout the war for the Union and its Army.

I would also respectfully beg to state that I am somewhat versed in legal affairs, and have the knowledge of three languages viz English French and Spanish.

Feeling Sir that it will be necessary to furnish some references in order to obtain such a honorable and desirable situation I have the honor to submit to you the following named Gentlemen

Hon Alex McGowen Mayor of Houston.
Hon B.T. Fuller Recorder of Houston
J G Lord City Marshall of Houston