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L.B.D. 1. etsey. 
Office, Sub. Asst. Com.
Tyler, Texas. 9' Oct. 1867.

Montgomery, D.L. 
Bvt. Col. US. Army, and Sub. Asst. Com., 

Returns endorsement on his communication of Aug. 26th
States, that if this endorsement had been made by an officer of experience, and character, he would request an official investigation of his conduct. 
Asserts that the whole & sole cause of delay, in forwarding his reports & returns, except in the irregularity of the mails, has been caused by the neglect, if not the incompetency of Lieut. Garretson, A.A.Q.M. & D.O. 
States that he repeatedly made efforts to purchase Stationery in kind, but failing, was either obliged to purchase it, or stop the business of the office 
He was aware, that expenditures must be authorized by the Asst. Com., but might as well have closed the office, to wait for authority to purchase, as to wait for Stationery in kind
States, that when his Vouchers for Stationery were forwarded, with a request, that the authority might be obtained, Lt. Garretson refused payment, for the technical reason, that the authority had not been obtained, first to the purchase. No Bureau Voucher has been paid since his office was established in March last. As an evidence of Lt. Garretson's neglect, he encloses copy of an endorsement of Gen. Doubleday
States that his papers, which were returned for correction were returned immediately on their Receipt. Some of them were over two months in transits from Galveston. For a long time, he was obliged to get his Galveston mail from Palestine, 40 miles distant, as he best could 
Requests, that this communication may receive the personal consideration of the Asst. Com.

Rec'd O. Hd Qurs. 21. Oct 1867.