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It having been shown that H.G. Parker freedman has obtained various sums of money from freedmen in this vicinity, under pretence that said sums of money would be appropriated in erecting a school house, and in other beneficial purposes; and it having been further shown that no benefit whatever has secured to parties paying said sums of money, but on the contrary that said sums of money have been used by Parker in his own private interests.  Upon the recommendation of several responsible loyal citizens it is hereby ordered that said W.G. Parker be released from arrest, and allowed thirty days in which to satisfy the claims which have been brought against him by freedmen; in default of which within the time specified said Parker will be arrested and brought before this Office for further proceedings against him.

(Sgd) L.C. Plummer
1 Lt 26th Infy
Sub Asst Comr

The following is the Communication referred to, which caused the issuing of above Circular.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-14 14:03:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-14 08:43:21