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For Month of June, 1866.

[[24 Columned Table]]
|   | No. of Schools. | Day or Night School. | NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL. | How Sustained. | Teachers. | No. Last Reported. | Number Admitted | Number Left | WHOLE NUMBER Boys. | WHOLE NUMBER Girls. | WHOLE NUMBER Total. | AVER'GE ATTENDANCE Boys. | AVER'GE ATTENDANCE Girls. | AVER'GE ATTENDANCE Total. | Per Cent. Attendance | No. Always Present. | No. always Punctual. | No. over 16 years | No. in Alphabet. | No. in Arithmetic | No. in Geography. | No. in Writing | higher branches |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

|   | 8 | Day | In Washington Cor. 14th & M Sts. | N.Y. Natl. F.R. Assocn. | J. H. Zelie, Principal, Julia A. Lord, Helen E. Simmons, Lavina Wright, Kate G. Crane, Martha C. Hart, Sophia P. Parsons, Elvira A. Hubbard, D. Lena Carter, Abby S. Simmons, Agnes S. Hill, Carrie F. McClellan, } | 555 | 60 | 81 | 283 | 251 | 534 | 235 | 217 | 452 | 87 | 149 | 96 | 41 | 47 | 257 | 254 | 186 | 7 | 

|  | 1 | Day | Kendall Green | N.Y. Natl. F.R. Assocn. | Carrie F. McClellan. | 49 | 27 | 16 | 34 | 26 | 60 | 22 | 14 | 36 | 60 | 22 | 17 | 6 | 15 | 8 | 8 | 23 | 0 |

|  | 9 | Day | In Washington Co. |   | 12 Teachers [[illegible]] | 604 | 87 | 97 | 317 | 277 | 594 | 257 | 231 | 488 | 73 1/2 | 171 | 113 | 47 | 62 | 265 | 262 | 214 | 7 |

|  | 1 | Day | Goodhope Mark & Co. | N. Y. Natl. F. R. Assocn & School Com'rs | Rev. J.S. Dore, A. Wheeler | 132 | 7 | 4 | 75 | 64 | 139 | 14 | 51 | 11 5 | 82 | 37 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 30 | 17 | 26 | 0 |

|   | 1 | Day | 6th Dist. Do. | Do. Do. | Frederick A. Lawton | 59 | 1 | 11 | 29 | 25 | 49 | 15 | 16 | 31 | 43 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 0 | 7 | 0 |

| Total. | 11 |   |   |   | 15 Teachers in all. | 795 | 95 | 112 | 421 | 366 | 782 | 336 | 298 | 634 | 66 | 220 | 156 | 52 | 67 | 305 | 279 | 252 | 7 |

|   | Night school at Goodhope | Rev. J. S. Dore & A. Wheeler, | 65 | 8 | 12 | 60 | 13 | 73 | 30 | 8 | 38 | 32 | 11 | 11 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 |

1. Number in Needle Work, if taught in connection with the School.
2. Number in Sabbath School, if one is sustained by you. At Goodhope, 82.
3. Night and Sabbath Schools within your knowledge not regularly reporting. S. S. at 6th Dist Conducted by the pastor of the Church
4. Amount of charitable donations at Cor. 14th & M Sts. $75. At Goodhope $6.50. At 6th Dist. 7.50. Total $89.00
5. Number of persons aided. Do. 53. At Goodhope 11. At 6th Dist. 6. Total 80.
6. Remarks.

A. E. Newton
Superintendent [[strikethrough]] or Principal Teacher [[/strikethrough]]

This Report to be forwarded by the 5th of each month.

Transcription Notes:
Header complete. Only 2 rows transcribed Done transcribe, only some words are untranscribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-07 08:07:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-10 13:17:04