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American Missionary Association.

We wish to gain such knowledge of the labors of our teachers and the condition of our schools as the following statistics, faithfully and conscientiously reported, will give. As such statistics are valuable only as they are faithfully and conscientiously given, we trust that our wishes will be implicitly regarded, and every blank correctly filled.* A faithful discharge of our responsibilities to our patrons demands that we obtain this information, and we trust that no teacher will regard our inquiries as either invidious or inquisitorial.

For Month of June 1866.
Name of Teacher, Eunice M. Browne. Brownville N.Y.
Name of School Freedman's Location Arlington

No. of days the school was kept during the month, Twenty
No. of days you have been present, Twenty
If absent, the number of days None and the cause,
If you have been absent during the month, any of the school hours, state the number, two, and the cause, Sickness
No. of different pupils, One hundred and fifty
Average daily attendance, Ninty eight
No. of tardinesses,† Two hundred
No. neither absent nor tardy during the month, Fifteen
Whole No. of Males, Seventy Seven
Whole No. of Females, Seventy three
No. over 16 years of age, Twenty five. No. under 6, Ten.
No. of Pupils who read and spell, Forty
No. who study mental arithmetic, None (I teach the Assistant teacher)
No. who study written arithmetic, None
No. who study geography, None
No. who write, Eight
Is singing taught in the school? It is
No. of Sessions you have attended Night Schools, None. Average attendance
No. of Sessions you have attended Sabbath Schools, Four. Average attendance 113
No. of visits made in the families of colored people, About sixty.
No. of Bibles distributed, 125 A present from Rev. Mr. Varys Chaplain at Arlington House Of Testaments, None
No. of books, Ten. Tracts of Papers, 300
Each teacher should, without fail, make out duplicate copies of the above Report and transmit one directly to us, and the other to the local Superintendent (if there be one)‡ on or before the 3d of the succeeding month.
In addition to the above statistics, we desire a written Report, giving general and particular facts concerning the general progress of the school, the chief obstacles encountered, cases of subordination, the mode of administering discipline, and any suggestions that indicate its prosperity.

*If None or 0 be the record let the blank be so filled.
† The roll should be called ten minutes after the opening of the School, or earlier (never later) if the teacher so elect. A School Register will be furnished to teachers.
‡If there be no local Superintendent, a blank for Superintendent's Report will be furnished, which the teacher will be expected to fill. 
Note-Returns should be sent to these Rooms.
Each teacher must give a separate Report.

GEO. Whipple, 
M.E. Strieby, } Cor. Sec's
Samuel Hunt, Sup't of Education.

Transcription Notes:
Dagger symbol † (Alt + 0134) Double Dagger Symbol ‡ (Alt + 0135) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-07 13:34:03 insertions to be transcribed at the place they belong without calling out the insertion symbol per SI instructions