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To Bureau R.F. & A.L., for the month of April, 1867,  Penna. Br. [[?]] District, [[strikethrough]]State[[/strikethrough]] of Columbia.

A school under the district control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one School.

To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.

[[36 Columned Table]]
|This has reference to the present season| No. of Day-Schools| No. of Night-Schools| LOCATION, AND NAME OF SCHOOL| When opened| SOCIETIES, AC., PATRONS.| No. Schools sustained by freedmen| No. Schools sustained in part by freedmen| No. Teachers transported by Bureau| No. School buildings owned by freedmen| No. School buildings furnished by Bureau| TEACHERS Whole No.| TEACHERS White,| TEACHERS Colored,| NO. PUPILS EN-ROLLED. [BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS.] Male,| NO. PUPILS EN-ROLLED. [BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS.] Female,| No. pupils enrolled last report| No. left school this month| No. new scholars this month| Average attendance [[margin]]per cont.[[/margin]]| No. of pupils paying tuition| No. of White pupils| No. always present| No. always punctual| No. over 16 years of age| No. in Alphabet| No. spell and read easy lessons| No. advanced readers| No. geography| No. arithmetic| No. higher branches| No. writing| No. needle-work| No. free before the war| No. Sabbath-Schools| No. pupils in Sabbath-Schools|

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|4|0|Cor 24th & F. Street Observatory School|1865 Sept, 17|Penna Branch [[?]]|0|0|0|0|2|5|3|2|80|101|184|25|22|143 [[margin]]80[[/margin]]|0|0|95|48|4|24|80|77|175|181|12|138|60|40|1|38|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|1|0|Golbraith Chapel|Oct 1.|Do.|0|0|0|1|0|1|24|29|50|2|5|50 [[margin]]94[[/margin]]|0|0|40|15|2|0|0|53|53|53|9|53|0|22|0|0|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|1|0|Zion Wesley Church|Sept,17| Do.|0|0|0|1|0|2|2|0|42|44|99|19|6|71 [[margin]]78[[/margin]]|0|0|29|15|5|0|36|49|86|86|0|86|0|18|0|0|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|2|0|Delaware Ave. So.|[[?]]| Do. & [[?]]|0|0|0|0|2|2|2|0|56|52|109|8|7|99 [[margin]]92[[/margin]]|0|0|53|27|0|15|45|48|108|108|30|108|0|38|0|0|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|1|0|Cor.4th & L St.|[[?]]|Do.|0|0|0|1|0|1|1|0|28|31|72|13|0|54 [[margin]]91[[/margin]]|0|0|0|32|14|0|9|50|0|59|59|0|59|31|6|0|0|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|9|0|-|-|[[?]] Washington|0|0|0|3|4|11|8|3|230|257|514|67|40|417 [[margin]]86[[/margin]]|0|0|249|119|11|48|211|227|481|487|51|444|91|124|1|38|
|This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number or cypher.|6|0|Georgetown, East St.|1867 June, 21|Penna. Br. & Trustees|0|6|0|In front 1|In back 1|6|5|1|137|136|272|51|52|239 [[margin]]87[[/margin]]|0|0|127|81|13|0|137|136|273|273|18|266|48|84|0|0|
|[[?]]|15|0 [[margin below]]15[[/margin below]]|-|-|-|0|6|0|4|5|17|13|4|367|393 [[margin below]]760[[/margin below]]|786|118|92|656|

To these questions give exact, or approximate [[?]]
1. How many of above Schools are graded? [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] 14 How many grades? 2 to [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]4. 7 Primary, [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] 3 Intermediate. 4 Grammar. 1 Mixed
2.How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reported above? x Whole No. of pupils (estimated) in all such Schools? x No. Teachers in all, x White, x Colored, x
3. How many Sabbath-Schools, within your knowledge not reported above? x Whole  No. of pupils (estimated) in all such Schools? x No. Teachers in all, x White x Colored x
4. How many Industrial Schools? x Whole No. pupils in all? x State the kind of work done, x
5. Whole amount of tuition page by Freedmen during the month, 0
6. Whole amount of expenses for the above Schools by the Bureau for the month, 0
7. Grand total of expenses per month for support of above schools by all parties, About-$1000.
8.Whole No. of High or Normal schools, [[0?]] How many pupils in all? [[00?]]

A.E. Newton,
Supe. Schools Ra. Branch [[A.F.Ule?]]

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