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For the Month of April 1867.

Kind of School (day or night) Day school
Location of School State Unitd. 
County District 
City Wn 
Street 15th street
When opened, January 1st 1867
Societies, dc., Patrons Individuals Private School
Is the School sustained by freedman? Nearly All are freed Men
Is the School sustained in part by freedman? It is
Have you received Government transportation during this month? None all Private
Is the School-building owned by freedmen? It my own
Is the School-building supplied by Bureau? No sir Private
Whole number of teachers, 1 Myself White Colored
Whole number of pupils enrolled at end of month, 12 6 Males 6 Females 
Number of pupils enrolled last report, 26 in the Los year 1866 in June
Number left School this month, None 
Number of new scholars this month, 1
Average attendance, 9 Per cent
Number of pupils paying tuition, All
Number of white pupils, None
Number always present, 6
Number always punctual, 6
Number over 16 years of age, None
Number in alphabet, 1
Number who spell and read easy lessons, 4
Number of advanced readers, 7
Number in geography, Nearly all that is in concert 3 in 1 class 3 in on other 2 in an other some thing all 
Number in arithmetic, 4
Number in higher branches, 3
Number in writing, All
Number in needlework, None 
Number free before the war, Do not know
In what Sabbath School do you teach? Some times union Bithal at others Pisgq
Number of pupils in Sabbath School, over 1 Hundred in Pisga union I don know

1. What is grade of your School? Pretty good it is said
2. Whole amount of tuition paid by freedman during the month. $735 cts 
3. Whole cost of transportation by the Bureau the month. $ [[strikethrough]] 735 cts  [[/strikethrough]]
4. Expenses per month for the support of your School. $ 3 to 4.00
5. Remarks. Mr President sir in Reference to the Geography class i had not enough room for to [[?]] but you can easily understand very often in concert the 3 classes 
I would be pleased to have you call some tome & here the children recite 
yours truly
(SIGNED) Elizabeth A Smith Teacher

Friendship } Total 18 Always Present not under 6. all pay

Transcription Notes:
Pisgah misspelled in original as Pisga